Finding God in a busy world can be a challenge and authentic spiritual formation can, at times, seem almost impossible. But why is living the Christian life so hard?

We believe that not enough has been taught on what exactly keeps us from being “spiritually formed” and letting Christ form His life in us. Reducing the spiritual life to just practices and doctrines diminishes the potential of true soul transformation. We focus on pre-spiritual formation that supports personal development inspiring true spiritual awakening.

Seminars Workshops designed to give you space and time to learn how to connect with God. We teach accessible life practices of spirituality such as learning to notice, cultivating wonder, living in the present moment and being an audience to yourself.

Selah” Silent Days – Selah means “to pause”. These silent days are set aside in a designated location to provide an opportunity for participants to slow down and reflect.

Spiritual Formation GroupsThese groups are designed to grow individuals into communities who learn about, pray for and support one another in their spiritual journey.

Personalized Spiritual Formation Plan A customized plan for personal growth, these individual sessions take place once a month for six months. In that time one will understand their own personal pathway to having a vital relationship with God.